Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Press Release for the Miami Art Exhibit

PRESS RELEASE for Immediate Release Feb 28, 2006

What: The IASG Miami Exhibit - Embracing Our Diversity
Where: Museum of the Americas, Doral, FL
When: April 7 – 29, 2006, Reception: Friday, April 21, 6:30-10 pm

The International Artist Support Group (IASG) is taking its traveling exhibit to Miami and this exciting display is designed to highlight the global spirit of unity, creativity and love. This 501©3 organization is composed of artists from all over the globe and was formed 12 years ago in Washington, DC with the mission of providing an outlet for artistic creations that range from established and emerging artists to celebrate global artistic outreach through their art work. The group has exhibited in China, India, Russia, Egypt, United States, and has the Philippines, Australia, Argentina, Okinawa, Peru, Panama and other countries in their plans for future exhibitions.

The collected works in this exhibit will offer the viewer an opportunity to see a variety of subdued hues with minimalist lines and shapes; wildly dancing vivid colors with exuberant brush strokes; photographs of everyday objects that allow intricate design elements to interplay light and shadow; mystical metaphors in mixed media; and so many surprises you may want to speak to the artists to ask them about their creative inspiration. Many of the artists will travel to Miami for the opening reception on Friday, April 21st and would welcome an opportunity to answer your questions surrounded by the art that they have created and those of their fellow artists. Of course biographical and contact information will be available for the duration of the exhibit for each of the participating artists just in case the artwork is so thought provoking your questions bubble to the front of your mind and must be answered even after you’ve visited the exhibit.
You may find out more information about IASG, its past exhibits and upcoming activities by visiting the website: or visit the Blog: . IASG is interested in welcoming new members and membership applications are located both on the website and the blog spot.


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